Anna Penzkofer
Institute for Visualisation and Interactive Systems, University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany University of Stuttgart, SimTech Building, Room 01.033 Google Scholar
Anna Penzkofer is a PhD student in the Perceptual User Interfaces group since January 2023. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Stuttgart and a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the Technical University Munich. She has been doing research in the Perceptual User Interfaces group since her bachelor's degree at the University of Stuttgart in 2018. Her main research interest is in Reinforcement Learning and Perception with a focus on Computational Rationality and Interactive Behaviour. Her passion is building connections with other people and creating something new.
Personal website
- 2023
- Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (Teaching Assistant)Bachelor
- 2024
- Leveraging Biologically-plausible Representations for Robust and Efficient Generalization in Reinforcement Learning (M.Sc.) Nan Jiang*
- 2023
- Evaluation of Different Image Representations for Reinforcement Learning Agents (M.Sc.) Jayakumar Ramasamy Sundararaj*
- Biologically Plausible Reinforcement Learning (B.Sc.) Tobias Stegmaier
- An Adaptive Model of Gaze-based Selection (INFOTECH project) Jayakumar Ramasamy Sundararaj
- Cognitively-plausible Mental Image RepresentationMaster
- Cognitive Attention Guided Imitation LearningMaster
- Spiking Neural Networks for Generalization in RLMaster
- Neural Reasoning with cognitively-inspired RepresentationsMaster
- A Vector Symbolic Algebra for Language ModelsMaster
VSA4VQA: Scaling A Vector Symbolic Architecture To Visual Question Answering on Natural Images
Proc. 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), 2024.