Dominike Thomas
Institute for Visualisation and Interactive Systems, University of Stuttgart
+49 711 685 60051 Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany University of Stuttgart, SimTech Building, Room 01.035 Google Scholar
With her experience as undergraduate and graduate student, research coordinator, and editor, Dominike Thomas understands the demands placed on researchers at various steps of the academic publishing process. In October 2021, she decided to fully transition from PhD student to research assistant in the Collaborative Artificial Intelligence group, to use her experience and linguistic strengths to help her colleagues disseminate their research results. Her new tasks include copy editing of the group’s publications, teaching support, and maintaining the group’s website and social media presence.
Dominike is also coordinator to the Stuttgart ELLIS Unit.
- 2021
- Machine Learning and Computer Vision for HCI (Fachpraktikum)Master
- 2020
- Intelligent User Interfaces (Hauptseminar) Master
- 2019
- Medieninformatik (Teaching Assistant)Bachelor
- 2021
- Investigating Human-AI Collaboration in a Maze-Solving RL Environment (B.Sc.) Hendrik Henkelmann
- Facial Emotion Recognition Behind Face-Masks (InfoTech Project) Nidhi Joshi
- Low Complexity Conversion of Emotional Signals (M.Sc.) Fabian Maurer
- Detecting Sarcasm with Commonsense Reasoning in the Multimodal Paradigm of Text and Speech (M.Sc.) Meghdut Sengupta
- Multimodal Dataset for Deception Detection in a Political Setting (B.Sc.) Timo Hüttner
- Low Complexity Emotional Transfer (M.Sc.) Cagri Tasci
- 2020
- Incorporating Gaze and Speech Signals in Multi-modal Emotion Recognition (B.Sc.) Ahmed Abdou
- Classification Between Acted & Natural Emotions Using Audio-Video Feature Fusion (M.Sc.) Gauri Rasane
Facial Composite Generation with Iterative Human Feedback
Proc. The 1st Gaze Meets ML workshop, PMLR, pp. 165–183, 2023.
Multimodal Integration of Human-Like Attention in Visual Question Answering
Proc. Workshop on Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild (GAZE), CVPRW, pp. 2647–2657, 2023.
MultiMediate ’23: Engagement Estimation and Bodily Behaviour Recognition in Social Interactions
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pp. 9640–9645, 2023.
MultiMediate’22: Backchannel Detection and Agreement Estimation in Group Interactions
Proc. ACM Multimedia (MM), pp. 7109-7114, 2022.