Annotations as described in Müller et al. (2020)
The gaze annotations were collected for videos from the youtube channels "TheSpaDr" and "WisdomFromNorth". The naming scheme of the files is <youtube_id>.csv.
Each file contains three columns:
- index indicating the annotated frame
- 'gaze_left': gaze annotations for the left person
- 'gaze_right': gaze annotations for the person on the right
Explanation of annotation values:
'm': eye contact
'b': blink
'r': gaze to the right
'l': gaze to the left
'o': gaze upwards
'u': gaze downwards
'or': gaze to upper right
'ol': gaze to upper left
'ul': gaze to lower left
'ur': gaze to lower right
'na': annotation was not possible (i.e. because of strong motion blur)
'NaN': no annotation (occurs because the frames annotated for left and right person differ)
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In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact Philipp Müller ().
License: CC BY 4.0
If you use this dataset in a scientific publication, please cite the following paper: