Can Privacy-Aware Lifelogs Alter Our Memories?
Passant Elagroudy, Florian Mathis, Andreas Bulling, Mohamed Khamis, Diana Irmscher, Albrecht Schmidt
Ext. Abstr. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), pp. 1–6, 2019.

The abundance of automatically-triggered lifelogging cameras is a privacy threat to bystanders. Countering this by deleting photos limits relevant memory cues and the informative content of lifelogs. An alternative is to obfuscate bystanders, but it is not clear how this impacts the lifelogger’s recall of memories. We report on a study in which we compare viewing 1) unaltered photos, 2) photos with blurred people, and 3) a subset of the photos after deleting private ones, on memory recall. Findings show that obfuscated content helps users recall a lot of content, but it also results in recalling less accurate details, which can sometimes mislead the user. Our work informs the design of privacy- aware lifelogging systems that maximizes recall and steers discussion about ubiquitous technologies that could alter human memories.Links
Paper: elagroudy19_chi.pdf
author = {Elagroudy, Passant and Mathis, Florian and Bulling, Andreas and Khamis, Mohamed and Irmscher, Diana and Schmidt, Albrecht},
title = {Can Privacy-Aware Lifelogs Alter Our Memories?},
booktitle = {Ext. Abstr. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)},
year = {2019},
doi = {10.1145/3290607.3313052},
pages = {1--6}